Albert Einstein On Slow Cooker

The best slow cookers and how to use

Slow cookers are making a comeback, so we've been busy in the Good Food Test Kitchen
trying them out. Here are our product picks, plus we've given plenty of practical cookery tips

Slow cooker recipes are phenomenally popular on We don't know
Whether it's the time-saving element, economical credentials or how they require
Minimal labour that makes you love them so much, but we are with you all the way -
Slow cookers are a winner all round. They vary wildly in price, and you can pick up a slow
Cooker for as little as a tenner (or as much as a few hundred pounds), but various models
Meet different criteria. So what should you look for in a slow cooker, and which model is
best for you?
What we looked for:
Heat distribution: Even with lower priced versions, small and medium-sized slow cookers
Often have the most dependable heat distribution. Once you start dealing with bigger pots, it
Can find a bit patchy.
Transparent lids: For tracking purposes, it is useful for a slow cooker to have a

Size: If you are cooking for a family, be aware of the fact the size of bowl doesn't necessarily
Denote the amount of food you'll receive in the end - especially because you can't fill slow cookers
Right to the rim. A 5-litre model will most likely produce around 4-litres of food.
Hob-safe: If you are going to be making recipes with meat, look out for a inner ceramic pot
That can be used on the hob for browning purposes.
How we tested: We tested 12 slow cookers using sausages, beans and canned tomatoes,
Leaving each machine to cook for six hours.
Our best buys
Perfect for a couple

This 1.5-litre version is great if you'd like all of the benefits of a slow cooker but don't have a big
family to feed. It generates about 800ml of soup and it has three heat settings. It cooks
Evenly and has a handy see-through lid.
Best space saver

This cleverly shaped pot packs into a compact area. It's big enough for three portions and
Super simple to use. The handles don't get hot so you can lift the pot directly onto your
Table, and the sear function supposed our sanity got off to a fantastic start.
This is a no-frills model, but it works very well -- and it's among the cheapest we tested. It's a
Convenient size to feed three people with extras for the freezer on top.
settings, low, high and 'keep warm'. The inner pot is hardy but rather hefty.
High end model
Crock-Pot 5.6l slow and multi cooker
Crock-Pot supposedly made the first slow cooker, and their comtemporary models are
This bumper machine has settings for steaming and baking, as
The machine includes a wire rack which
Helps steam -- or can be used to encourage cake tins if you're baking. It's large, but the square
Shape seems neater than oval equivalents.

How to get the best results when cooking
No liquid flows out of a slow cooker, so when adapting a recipe not specifically written
For a slow cooker, reduce any additional liquid by one third to compensate.
Don't remove the lid too often to prevent heat loss.
The inner pot needs to be at room temperature before you start cooking. If you have kept
A slow cooker dish in the fridge, you have to wait for it to warm up before turning on.
Slow cookers vary considerably so follow your manufacturer's manual for guidelines on
temperatures and cooking times.
Rice and pasta dishes work well cooked for the shortest period possible. Always
Use easy-cook rice, rinsed well - the more starch you rinse in the rice, the greater
The finished result.
Slow cooker storecupboard essentials
If you are cooking rice in your slow cooker, then buy the Simple cook varieties and rinse until the
Water runs clean, otherwise you will be left with a sticky mess.
Gravy browning will add colour to stews, as food cooked in a slow cooker is generally pale.
Marmite will do the same job. Season at precisely the identical time.
Use arrowroot or cornflour to thicken sauces, by eliminating a spoonful of sauce from the
Pot, and whisking in 1-2 tbsp prior to returning into the pot.
A dab of cream or crème fraîche at the last minute will enrich sauces and soups.
Test kitchen top tip
"Take time to brown your meat really well. Slow cookers tend to 'leach' meat of its own colour,
So it is important for both the appearance and flavour that the mince, chunks or joints are
Well browned to start with. As liquid in the food doesn't reduce, flavours do not become more
Concentrated with this cooking style, which means you need to pack in as much flavour as possible.


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